malapascua island

How to get to Malapascua Island from Cebu City?

Map direction of cebu to malapascua
Map Direction of Cebu to Malapascua

To embark on your journey from Cebu to Malapascua, your first destination is Maya Port, situated at the northern tip of Cebu Island. From there, a brief ferry ride will transport you to the captivating Malapascua Island.

Transport Options from Cebu to Malapascua:

Maya serves as the primary entry and exit point to Malapascua, making it your initial stop on the route. Accessible from Cebu City via bus, van, or private car, reaching Maya Port is relatively straightforward. Ceres Bus operates the service from Cebu to Maya, departing from North Bus Terminal on Logarta Avenue. If you’ve arrived at Mactan Airport, a taxi journey to North Bus Terminal is recommended, typically taking around 40 minutes, costing between 200 and 300 pesos. Tip: Opt for the white taxis stationed around 50 meters from the terminal for the most economical fare. Buses operate 24/7, with non-AC and AC buses running every 30 minutes and hourly, respectively.

Both buses and vans will drop you at New Maya Port, where you can board the ferry bound for Malapascua Island. Alternatively, for group travelers, hiring a private van in advance presents a viable option, costing between 3500 and 4000 php. Taxi services, accommodating up to four passengers, are available for around 3500 php, with fares subject to negotiation.

Ferry to Malapascua

going to malapascua island by ferry
Photo source: Journey Era

Upon arriving at New Maya Port, you’ll embark on a ferry journey to Malapascua Island. Priced at 200 pesos, the trip typically lasts 35 minutes under favorable weather conditions. Ferry services operate from 07:00 am to 17:00 pm, with the option to rent a private boat for around 2000 php if arriving after hours. In case of late arrival, accommodations at Arriyus Apartell or Suba Beach Nipa Huts in Maya are available, with the ferry departing the following morning. Additionally, an environmental fee of 120 php per person is payable at the building adjacent to the ticket booth.

Traveling from Bantayan to Malapascua

For travelers combining visits to Malapascua and nearby Bantayan Island, two options are available:

1. By Boat

Negotiating a private boat directly from Bantayan to Malapascua offers convenience, albeit at a higher cost of 2500 php. Although the priciest option, it’s optimal for groups, provided weather conditions are favorable. Travel time averages 2.5 hours, depending on the vessel type.

2. By Road

Alternatively, the more economical route entails returning to Hagnaya port from Bantayan, then proceeding to Maya port. Ferry prices from Bantayan to Hagnaya port range from 240 to 300 php. From Hagnaya, a negotiated tricycle ride to Don Pedro crossing, followed by a bus to Maya port, costs approximately 125 pesos in total. Upon reaching Maya port, you’ll board the ferry to Malapascua, with an additional environmental fee of 120 php. This journey typically spans around 5 hours.

Is Traveling to Malapascua Island worth to visit?

Absolutely! Malapascua Island is definitely worth visiting. Its stunning beaches, vibrant marine life, and laid-back atmosphere make it a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Whether you’re into diving, snorkeling, or simply relaxing on the pristine shores, Malapascua offers something for everyone. Plus, the journey to the island itself, with its scenic ferry ride and picturesque views, adds to the overall experience. So, if you’re looking for a slice of tropical heaven, Malapascua Island is definitely a destination worth exploring.

Do I need any vaccinations or immunizations for Malapascua Island?

No special vaccinations are required for a short trip to Malapascua Island. However, ensure that all your routine vaccinations are up-to-date.

What is the weather like on Malapascua Island?

Malapascua Island has a tropical climate with relatively constant temperatures throughout the year of around 27 to 31 degrees Celsius. The rainy season is from July to November, when you may experience some rain showers. The best time to visit is from December to May, when it is drier.

Does Malapascua Island have good snorkeling and diving?

Yes! The snorkeling and diving around Malapascua Island is world-class, particularly at Monad Shoal, which is known for its thresher shark sightings. The island is very popular with underwater enthusiasts.

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